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Candidates, whom we are glad to recommend as independent directors, have necessary knowledge in the field of corporate management, have flawless business reputation, keep high etic norms and have necessary leadership skills and business experience.While we select candidates, we are guided by criteria, which are determined by the Code of non-executive director, which was elaborated by The Association of Non-executive Directors in conjunction with The Russian University of Directors with the support of MICEX, IFC and The Chamber of Commerce of the U.S. Commerce Department.



More than 25 years of successful experience in leadership positions in a number of major international and domestic companies, more than 20 large-scale projects implemented independently as a project manager, and as a member of project teams. He is fluent in English, Russian and Ukrainian. Mr.Brul graduated from the Law Faculty of Kiev National University after Taras Shevchenko (1993-1998), received a certificate of London Institute of Directors in corporate management and corporate law (2005), have state-approved certificates of the Privatization Institute, Investment and Management in the management of corporate rights and land evaluation.


Andrew F.

An American Managing Director with 20-year work experience in developing markets including the creation and selling business. He has serious entrepreneurial experience and he well orients in the developing of the business. He realized a lot of successful project as a top-manager or crisis-manager. He is fluent in English and Russian, in some volume knows French and Mandarin dialect of Chinese. He graduated from the American University, International Relations, Washington, DC (1989-1992), Stanford University Professional Publishing Course (2004), Tony Shaw (trainer who works exclusively with top management), London, UK (2006-2007).



Managing Director with 20-year work experience in the field of creating and managing holdings companies, modernization and technical retrofitting of the companies, organization of corporate management, planning of investments, deals and absorptions, restructuration, operating in the stock market. He has rich experience of representation in management bodies of joint stock companies. He has the fourth rank of civil servant; he held high government positions as an Acting Chairman of the Committee and Vice Minister. He is fluent in Ukrainian; he can communicate in English and Polish. He graduated from the Kiev National Economy Institute (1990), Institute of International Relations of Kyiv National University, Master of International Economic Relations (2003).



More than 25 years of legal practice in the area of corporate law and corporate governance, mergers & acquisitions, bankruptcy and reorganization of enterprises, antitrust regulation, management and collection of bad debts, risk management. Mr.Balkovoy has an experience in the management of companies, large groups, as well as the introduction of start-up projects. He graduated from the Law Faculty of Kiev National University after Taras Shevchenko.

The list of potential directors is constantly updated depending on the status of candidates’ employment in the projects. Any further details on candidates are available on request.

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